It comes to light.

Blockage mortuary in its icebound stiff significance
place where no deeds go unpunished
where doer stinking, sitting since.

Slit your wrists or your belly in shame
each iteration the same
each cringing base-head tweak same as the rest
but hatchling is fed up and fleeing the nest.

Gladly air currents greet resinous wings
still life in silence, the caged bird sings
my autumn goddess life-force brings
yet the bars, thin as sinew,
are twin shackles anew
and I’m deaf to forgetting when last freedom bell rings.

When to my skin ravenous rabid tick clings
sweet softness is lost flits with frivolous things
still the caged bird sings.
Still he beats the drum.
Remember the darkness you’re coming from.

Refugee mindset
joy escaping the blight
this chamber, still enshrouded
comes to light.
It comes to light.

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